Today’s WOD is a new benchmark called Andi. It consists of 4 exercises with 100 repetitions a piece and will be completed Chipper style which means you will complete all 100 repetitions of 1 movement before moving on to the next. Hang power snatches, push presses, sumo deadlift high pulls and front squats will be completed with a light barbell load. The goal is to finish the 400 repetitions as fast as possible while taking short breaks to allow continuous movement.
Prayer stretch on foam roller x30sec
T-spine stretch and reach with foam roller and barbell x1min
Banded tricep stretch x30 sec per side
Samson stretch x30 sec per side
Trap mash with barbell
Activation w/PVC
Pass throughs
Around the world
Movement technique for lifts
2 Rounds - 5 reps per movement - 1 round w/empty barbell - 2nd round with WOD weight
For Time
100 Hang Power Snatches
100 Push Presses
100 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
100 Front Squats
♀ 45-lbs ♂65-lbs
Banded shoulder stretch
Foam roll quads/hamstrings
I’m scared of this one...
🤦♀️ oh boy