Today’s WOD is Lyla, 10-1 in repetitions of muscle-ups and bodyweight clean and jerks. This workout is a combination of Olympic lifting and gymnastics with a moderate load on the barbell. For those who have muscle ups but cannot perform the volume of reps can reduce the number of reps per round. Those who do not have muscle ups will perform low ring muscle ups or a variation of dips, pull ups or ring rows. This is not a fast-paced workout, so choose a barbell load and muscle-up variation that will allow you to maintain smooth and consistent repetitions for the duration of the workout. Singles on the clean and jerks coupled with muscle-ups or a skill building variation that helps improve form and technique to develop muscle-ups.
Mobility – 2 Rounds
45 sec mountain climbers
Stiff legged Deadlifts x 15
Shoulder Presses x 10
20 sec overhead barbell hold
False Grip Ring Rows x 10
5 second negative ring dips x 2
Low Ring muscle-ups x 5
Clean and Jerk Review – Empty BB x 5 Reps per
Jerk Drops
Push Jerk
Hang Muscle Clean + Push Jerk
Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
Power Clean + Push Jerk
Build to WOD weight and Muscle-Up variation
5 C&J + 5 Low Ring Muscle-ups
3 C&J + 3 Low Ring Muscle-ups
3 C&J at WOD weight
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps For Time:
Bodyweight Clean and Jerks
Foam Roll Lats