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Writer's pictureCoaches @ CrossFit MXL

WOD Week of 10/11


8 Rounds For Reps

:20 Muscle Ups

-Rest :10

:20 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)

-Rest :10

Pre-workout Skill

Build to a heavy set of 1 Hang Squat Clean


For Time

20 Pulls on the Rower

15 Wall Balls (20/14#)

-Row until you accumulate 2000/1600 meters

Skill Work - Post workout

3 Sets

30 Russian Twists

20 Alternating Single-Leg Deadlifts


5 Rounds For Time

20 Weighted sit-ups (20/14#)

400m Run

Skill Work - Pre-workout -12:00

Candlestick and Single-leg Squat practice


Chelsea - Benchmark

EMOM 30:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

-If you fall behind clock keep going and see how many rounds you can complete in time remaining


7 Sets For Load

1 Snatch

Skill Work - Pre-workout

3 Sets

10 Snatch Grip Push Press

10 Seated SOTS Press

Saturday - Partner Workout

For Time

200 Box Step-ups(24/20")

150 KB Swings(70/53#)

-Partner holds KB in front rack while other partner works on step-ups

-Partner seated L-sit hold while other partner works on KB swings

Skill Work - Post Workout

800m KB Farmer Carry

3:00 plank hold - each partner

-switch KB carry with partner as needed

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