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2020-11-20 WOD


Today’s WOD is strength based with Bench Press at a 5x5 working off of our 1RM. We will finish with Giant sets of TGUs, banded triceps and rows followed with max reps of push ups at the end of each round. We will keep the rest between 1&2 minutes during our sets on the bench and for the giant sets. Goal is to have good core engagement and proper breathing technique during sets on the bench press allowing for strong lifts each set. The giant sets will be accessory work still focusing on core control and using bands to increase time under tension for supporting muscles.



Deltoid Mash-60s per

Tricep Mash-60s per

Lying Shoulder PNF-60s per

Standing Pec PNF-60s per


2 Rounds-5 reps per

Push Up + 2 plank taps

A-Frame Push ups

F/B Lunges w/empty BB


Bench Press-5x5


4 Giant Sets (not for time)

Turkish Get Up-3 per side

Banded Rows-10 Reps

Banded Tricep Extensions-15 reps

Max Reps Push ups


Banded Pec Stretch

Foam roll Lats

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