2 rounds Side plank w/rotation x30s ea Banded shuffle x30s ea Single leg plank x30s ea Dynamic B.S.S. x30s ea Rest 60s
4 sets
8 Bulgarian Split Squats @30X1
Rest 45s after each leg
8 Bent-over rows @21X0
*goal is to establish an 8RM for the split squats
Metcon: 800m run 100 Squats 75 KBS 50 Front rack walking lunges 75 KBS 100 Squats
6:30 Recording
Topic: CrossFit MXL Virtual! https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xvYsPuHJ105OSKfhxEbYdbY6Epi9aaa8hycd-PVcxU8HisFMnsh0rawxc6zuf9g-
9:30 Recording
Topic: CrossFit MXL Virtual! https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/wu9IA5jW5GZJGa-KzxvWf6MMG4jeeaa823UY_aFbnU_ExCU6xbiGjc_6ducjHmoG