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4/30 WOD

Writer's picture: Coaches @ CrossFit MXLCoaches @ CrossFit MXL


3 Rounds

30 Seconds Slow Air Squats

30 Seconds Spiderman + Reach Video

30 Seconds Down Dog Video

3 Rounds

20 Seconds Jumping Jacks

20 Seconds Air Squat Jumps

20 Seconds Mountain Climbers


"Bergeron DBeep Test"

On the Minute For As Long As Possible:

7 Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters

7 Alternating Single Dumbbell Power Snatches

7 Burpees

If you are not able to make it to 7 minutes, continue to complete the workout AMRAP style until 10:00 on the clock

After 10 Rounds: Add 1 Rep to each movement every minute

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