Upper body Strength. That’s the name of the game today. Bodyweight Bench Press and Legless rope climbs will provide us with complementary pushing and pulling movement, testing our ability to adapt when we change from the standard pull-up or overhead press. We will look to a medium/heavy load on the barbell (65%) if unable to bench your bodyweight. Rope climbs can be modified to pulls from the floor, utilizing the legs for assistance as needed.
Bicep mash - x 60s each side
Forearm mash x 60s each side
Tricep mash x 60s each side
Activation: 3 Rounds x 30s each
Glute bridge
Scap push-up
Ring rows
External rotations
Rope climb/pull Technique
Start in a sitting position, leaving feet rest on the ground, pulling to stand with arms
Practice raising hips from the floor earlier in the pull to increase difficulty
Holding an L-sit during the pull is our most difficult variation
Bench Press - build to working weight
Take 4-5 sets to build to working weight
Amrap 20 min
Bench Press (bodyweight)
Legless Rope Climbs (total feet)
Forearm stretch
Tricep mash
Pec mash