Warmup: Neck rolls Arm circles Huggers OH shoulder taps
External rotations x15-20 ea
Scarecrows x15-20
Handstand/hollow body AA/BB style
Emom x25
Z Press (R) x6-8 @2111
Z Press (L) x6-8 @2111
OH Tricep extensions
DB row (R) x6-8 @2111
DB row (L) x6-8 @2111
Perform 1 movement each minute, for 25 minutes (5 sets). Focus on controlled tempo and quality of movement.
Topic: CrossFit MXL-6:30- Virtual! https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/zpFkc6HP9SBOWYnOtRHgcbYKH7vEeaa82yZP_vMJxRp_-ph3TNE-AW-zJC2KCoCv
Topic: CrossFit MXL-9:30- Virtual! https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/7vEsc7Os70pOH4mKykDiR7UxBYrbT6a82yIf-fsOnR6WJ2qZ4cv5yP_pRN3XOdwT