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WOD 11/6/20

Writer's picture: Coaches @ CrossFit MXLCoaches @ CrossFit MXL


Today’s WOD is for time AND load.  We’ll be going through a Snatch speed ladder, featuring 5 rounds of 3 lifts.  We’ll look for maximum loading that allows for 5-10 pound increments each lift.  The goal is to smoothly move between bars each round with confidence.



  • Foam roller Thread the needle x60s per side

  • Banded Spider-Man + Pigeon x 60s each side

  • Banded Ankles x 60s each 

  • Banded High Pull 2 Press x 60s 


  • Wall Squat w/twist x 60s per side

  • PVC Pass Throughs/Around the World

  • Squat with Snatch grip press x 10 reps 


Burgener Warm up w/PVC & Empty Barbell 


5 RFT & Load 

1 Snatch + 1 Snatch +1 Snatch (increasing load

 each lift)

Start each round with final lift weight from 

previous set. 

Rest as needed between sets 

Score is total time to complete the 5 rounds of 

work + Max Lift 


Foam roll 


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