CrossFit Open Quarterfinals took place this past weekend, so we thought it would be fun to take one of the trials for a spin. Handstand push-ups (or appropriate variations), dumbbell cleans and overhead, and double unders. This one is sure to burn the shoulders, while testing our coordination with dumbbell movements and double unders. This WOD has a 10 minute time cap, so we’ll want to pick scaling that allows us to move through each round at a quick pace.
Spidermans x 5 each (elbow drop + reach + hamstring)
Banded shoulder stretch
Warmup x 2 rounds
60 seconds jumping jacks
5 Inch worm
5 Yogi push-ups
½ lap around building
Handstand push-up/Handstand practice
Double under practice
Quarter finals Test 1
3 Rounds:
10 Strict handstand push-ups
10 DB hang power cleans
50 Double unders
Rest 1 min, then:
3 Rounds:
10 Kipping handstand push-ups
10 DB shoulder to overhead
50 double unders
2 min down dog q/ pedals