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WOD - Monday 2021-01-18

Writer's picture: Coaches @ CrossFit MXLCoaches @ CrossFit MXL


Today we’ll be testing out a brand new Benchmark WOD - Barbara Ann. 5 rounds of handstand push-ups, deadlifts, sit-ups, and double unders will be sure to tax our entire system. We’ll be modifying appropriately to keep each round under the 5 minute mark. You should be able to move smoothly from one movement to the next, with cumulative fatigue really setting in by the 3rd round. Triceps, lats, hamstrings, midline - all on fire here. Not necessarily a heavy breather, but this should leave you feeling exhausted.



  • Hamstring foam roll

  • Lat foam roll


  • 2 min. of braced breathing and posterior activation

  • 10 Prone angels

  • 10 Good mornings

  • 10 Back squats

  • 10 Strict press

  • 10 Empty bar deadlifts

  • 3 Rounds of 3-5 reps each movement to prep for WOD


Barbara Ann:

5 Rounds for time:

20 Handstand Push-ups

30 Deadlifts 95/135

40 Sit-ups

50 Double unders


Hamstring stretch

Tricep & Lat stretch

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