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WOD - Saturday 2021-02-06


Today’s WOD is a time priority couplet of burpees and back squats. The burpees will spike the heart rate so find a pace that allows you to complete the 25 reps in 3 minutes or less. If the volume of burpees cannot be completed in that time frame reduce the number of repetitions. The back squats are done with your bodyweight as the load on the bar or a weight that challenges you enough that no more than 2 sets will be needed to complete the 15 repetitions. Goal for today is to keep each round around 5 minutes. Find a pace from the start that you can maintain throughout the 20 minutes.



  • Gorilla squats - 60s

  • Banded pigeon stretch - 60s per side

  • Banded hip deflection - 60s per side

  • Squat w/t-spine rotation - 10 per arm

  • PVC PNF External rotation - 10 per - 3 second hold

Activation - Empty Barbell Cycle - 5 reps per

Then 3 Rounds

  • 5 Burpees

  • 3 Back Squats - Build to WOD weight throughout the sets


Amrap 20:

25 Burpees

15 Bodyweight Back Squats


Pec Mash

Foam roll quads

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