Today’s WOD is a heavy weightlifting day that challenges overhead strength and flexibility. The goal is to build to a heavy set of 3 overhead squats. We will build to 75-80% of our 1RM during warm-up sets and look to maintain that load throughout our 5 sets or we can continue building to heavier sets through the 5 working sets. Rest will be very important after each set so look to take approximately 3 to 4 minutes of rest between sets.
Mobility - 2 rounds
30 second handstand hold
5 heel elevated plate squats
5 Air squats with 5 second pause in bottom position
5 squat jumps
5 PVC OH squats
30 second reverse grip bar hang
Activation - 5 reps of each with empty barbell
Behind neck snatch grip press
Tempo Overhead squats - 3 second - eccentric and concentric phases
Overhead squats
Build to WOD weight
Overhead Squats
2 rounds
30 second cobra pose
30 second downward dog